
Individual projects that you're eligible to complete move between three different states in Pathways.

Not Activated

(See "Status" field = Not Activated; button says "Activate"; no check mark)

In Progress

(See "Status" field = In Progress; button says "Launch"; no check mark)

Completed (within the first week)

(See "Status" field = "Completed"; button says "Evaluate"; check mark present)

Completed (after the first week)

(See "Status" field = "Completed"; button says "Launch"; check mark present)

Changing from "Not Activated" -> "In Progress" is done by clicking on "Activate" button.

Changing from "In Progress" -> "Completed" is done by clicking on the "Launch" button. Go the "Assess Your Skills-After" slide and FULLY fill out the questionnaire.

That is, if you don't click on "Next" and answer every question then the module will not move into the "Complete" status.

If you're looking for general knowledge about Pathways - D57 has a great resource site at including a great catalog at which outlines the different projects at each level.